Capacity, Pricing & Technology: 2020 European Road Transportation Survey
Transport service providers are facing tremendous challenges in 2020. This abbreviated statement confirms the result of this year’s...

3 Lessons Learned From COVID-19 Operational Pivots
Here's what these pivots mean for tomorrow’s supply chain. The early days of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic impacted supply...

Switching off Cash Supply Causes a Nasty Shock
Invoice finance has become a fashionable form of quasi-debt. But if the facilities suddenly end, a company’s cash buffer can deteriorate....

Digital Transport Days 2020
European Commissioner for Transport Adina Valean, in cooperation with the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union, has the...

În cadrul celei de-a treia ediții a SUPPLY CHAIN REACTION vom discuta despre educația profesională în logistică - Cine este responsabil...

A 30-a ediție a programului Erisma – Leadership Creativ
Pe 28 august, începe cea de-a 30-a ediție a programului Erisma - Leadership Creativ. Este un program dedicat celor care conduc oameni,...