On the 26th and 27th of April the Romanian transport and logistics industry meet in Cluj-Napoca!

600 participants will take benefit of top speakers are offering solutions to the challenging issues which the transport and logistics companies are facing, regardless the size of the business!
The correct working time possible of international transport drivers and payment of minimum wages in accordance with the Labour Code. How do we count the working hours of the drivers in order to comply with the ITM (Labor Inspection Authority) controls? – work inspector Florin Cosma
What is the effect of extending the obligation of the 45 hours of rest outside the truck cabin in Europe? Marilena Matei
How could we avoid the accusation of social dumping in France and Belgium? - Attorney Frederik Vanden Bogaerde
The supremacy of eastern transport in Western Europe. Raben Group, a Dutch capital transport company in Poland, is rapidly expanding in Western Europe, especially Germany, thanks to a proactive strategy for customers and employee needs - Tomasz Nieżwicki, CEE Region Director, Raben Group, and Sebastian Gryszkiewicz, Business Development Manager, Raben Group
The crisis of drivers – Are non-community employees a solution? Is it better to allow driving school for C+E category from 18 years of age? Dabate with the participation of Lucian Sova, the Minister of Transport, Sandor Gabor (IFPTR), and representatives of the professional associations of carriers and representatives of the Road Police
The evening will end with an exceptional concert offered by Proconsul and Andreea Banica.
During the day, over 50 partners of the event will exhibit vehicle and equipments for the information of the participants.
Access the link below for more information of the event
The challenges of the year in logistics: e-commerce, “green” transport, hypermarket vs. proximity store, General Data Protection Regulation.
Experienced managers will analyze the biggest challenges of logistics and distribution within the first day of the Expotranzit event, on 26th of April, in Cluj-Napoca:
There will be two debase on the topics of:
Cluj tends to become the main logistics pole in Romania.
E-Commerce and Digitalization Changes Rules in Supply Chain
Other topics:
Physical security risk analysis - legal framework, to whom this obligation applies, costs involved in law enforcement, penalties. What is the transition from this audit to the implementation of TAPA?
The Impact of Personal Data Protection Regulation in logistics and transport. Specific recommendations.
Hypermarket versus proximity stores - how do retailer logistics processes change?
Pall-Ex (and its partner), Point Logistix (and its partner CrisTim) and iTrackLogistics will sustain three case studies on the best practices and mistakes in implementing IT solutions for efficiency.
The day will end with a conference on the alternative technologies topic.
Gas and electric vehicles - a viable solution for urban and regional distribution, passenger transport, salubrity etc.
What is the state support offered for promoting the acquisition of alternative theologies?
Where can we fuel feed with natural gas? Is there any serial technology in the field?
What is the experience of operators in using electric and CNG vehicles?
The evening will end with an exceptional concert offered by Proconsul and Andreea Banica.
During the day, over 50 partners of the event will exhibit vehicle and equipments for the information of the participants.
Access the link below for more information of the event