ELA Certification
Certify your
Logistics & Supply Chain Competencies
The ELA Standards of Logistics & Supply Chain Competence reflect the expectations of workplace performance for logisticians and supply chain managers and they have been developed with and agreed by the industry. The Standards are outcome-based and form the basis of assessment. Assessment is independent of any learning programs. The ELA Standards are updated on a regular basis. Through a network of experts and logistics professionals, the Standards are checked against the needs of the market.
The European Quality Framework - EQF
The ELA Standards are mapped to the European Qualification Framework, an EU initiative for harmonizing life-long learning. The EQF is a common European reference system that links a number of national qualifications systems and frameworks together. In practice, it functions as a translation device making qualifications transferable. Using this common framework enables learners and workers to have their skills and qualifications recognized in many countries.
One common standard - Using the same terminology and definitions everywhere.
International Recognition - ELA certification is widely recognized. This increases the flexibility and mobility of your certified logistics employees.
A local assessment by National Certification Boards - Assessment is available in more than 20 countries.
Certification of Competencies for Logistics & Supply Chain
20 multiple choice questions with only one correct answer
4 open questions
minimum 50% for each of the two parts
minimum 60% for the entire paper work
- minimum 3 years of experience​
- 2 mandatory exams:
- Business Principles
- Logistics & Supply Chain Design
- 2 exams of choice between:
- Logistics& Supply Chain Planning
- Warehousing
- Transportation
- Sourcing
- Customer Service
- interview based on a project
Non-Members: 500€
Members: 350€
- minimum 5 years of experience​
- 3 mandatory exams:
- Business Principles
- Logistics & Supply Chain Design
- Logistics& Supply Chain Planning
- 2 exams of choice between:
- Warehousing
- Transportation
- Sourcing
- Customer Service
- interview based on a project
Non-Members: 650€
Members: 450€
- minimum 7 years of experience​
- 7 mandatory exams:
- Business Principles
- Logistics & Supply Chain Design
- Logistics& Supply Chain Planning
- Warehousing
- Transportation
- Sourcing
- Customer Service
- interview based on a project
Members: 560€
Non-Members: 800€