ELA Awards 2020: the winners
The European Logistics Association - ELA, organized on November 10th, the 18th edition of ELA Awards, exclusively online, enabling a significant growth of the international audience.
11 projects were submitted in the competition from 11 countries, ELA members, but only 6 were selected to be finalists and to present their ideas and their innovation within the event.
LOXXESS AG was the big winner of the Best Project title. The project "SMILE - Smart and Innovative Logistics for eCommerce Project” deals with Process Optimization, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Innovation-Management as an Enabler for eCommerce Growth. Press Release can be found here.
Best Presentation Awards was won by INTERLOG GROUP, France. voted by almost 70% of the audience. MG2+ is a collaborative project with four competing manufacturers (Carambar&Co, Cémoi, Ferrero, and Mondelez) and two logistics providers (Interlog Logistic and FM Logistic) with a common objective to reduce the number of trucks on the roads and gas emissions.
This innovative process of EDI pooling can mutualize trucks for the retailers and other distribution channels. This process aligns the orders of a retailer with the same delivery date for all four manufacturers in the pool. It is well suited for retail companies that do not work in shared VMI. This collaboration is made possible thanks to the management of the EDI pooling process by Interlog Logistic control tower with the support of a dedicated software.
You can see the recording of the event here: