Mastering the logistics business
ARILOG annual conference | 4-5 June 2020 | Grand Cinema & More Baneasa

ARILOG Conference is a great example of peer-to-peer learning in action. The agenda is aligned with the key initiatives you’re working on and you will walk away with knowledge and information that you can immediately apply in your daily activity to get your job done better and faster.
You will learn something new, particularly in an area that you don’t know much about today but is critically important for your career and professional development.
Join us and let yourself inspired by the key movers and shakers of the logistics and supply chain industry.
4 June 2020 08.00 - 16.00 - conventional conference (coffee break and lunch break provided)
16.00 - 19.00 - friendly cocktail and networking
5 June 2020
10.00 - 13.00 - practical visits to logistics structures and manufacturing sites
Registration fees
ARILOG members: 150 euro / person
External companies: 180 euro / person
Stay tuned! Speakers line-up coming soon!
RSVP: Oana Nae | | +40 740 199 919